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Monday, October 12, 2009

The European Project

I've been DYING to share our European honeymoon with you but just haven't had the time to sort through the (literally) thousands of pictures. Even though I still haven't gotten to that item on my to-do list, I can't wait anymore! They're just too fun to look at (for me, anyway). So I decided to post them in pieces, here and there. That'll take the IBPFUS* off of me and provide a lot more pictures and stories for all of you. Win-win, right?

And what better place to start than my European project? Since you've seen it as our blog header for a month already, I thought it would be nice to share its roots. I planned this as a unique keepsake from our honeymoon that could be displayed in our home; the idea was to take a picture in each country we visited that could represent a letter from our last name. Some letters were easy to plan in advance (like the "A") but the rest were a work in progress throughout the trip, which made it even more fun!

The picture origins:

D -- Munich, Germany -- From an inscription in the Rathaus (city hall). Especially appropriate since Germany is really called Deutschland in, well, German.

A -- Paris, France -- The Eiffel Tower. Although, I'd be a bit worried if you didn't know that already.

V -- Venice, Italy -- The bow of the gondola that we rode under the Rialto Bridge and through Venice.

I -- Bern, Switzerland -- The striking steeple of the Bern Switzerland Temple, which was beautiful.

S -- Vienna, Austria -- Part of a decorative entryway near our apartment in downtown Vienna.

And now, the Europe posts can begin! (Next week, that is.) Finally!

*IBPFUS: Imaginary Blogging Pressure From Unidentified Source. I'm sure you've all experienced it at one point or another. Could also be coming from a cute sister or three :-)


  1. Oh I'm glad you explained this! It has so much more meaning now. So cool that you'll have that to remind you of your honeymoon. I can't wait to see the rest of the Europe pics... whenever they come. :) I understand completely about the IBPFUS.... haha I laughed when I read that but it's so true!

  2. Yeah! I can't wait!! Bring on the pics!!!

  3. I had no clue what all those neet looking letters meant and now it make perfect sense. How Cool and how do you ever think of all these things. We have all been waiting for these you know. Don't feel the pressure! hee hee

  4. I love that you have IBPFUS syndrome or whatever it is because I feel the exact same way. especially when my memory cards are piling and piling up and I just keep thinking, when can I blog this all!!
    I can't wait for Europe I am so excited to see what you guys did!

  5. What a fantastic travel idea! I love it. :)


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