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Friday, July 6, 2012

9 months

Clearly I'm about 29 days behind with this, but here's Jakey at 9 months! That 8-month-old age was quite the busy time for our little guy. He took his first steps, went on his 8th and 9th plane flights, traveled around three different states, and was perfectly behaved at all sorts of graduations and wedding events.

9-month birthday:
First steps! Well, the first ones we counted, anyway. Jake had been taking 2 or 3 falling steps off of furniture for a little while but we were waiting until it was a bit more stable and consistent to call the big milestone. (We don't want to be "those" first-time parents...) When he started stringing together 5, 6 and more steps at a time at Balboa Beach, we decided it was legitimate. Matt and I both walked at the end of 8 months, so we sort of loved that Jakey did, too.
Flying out of LAX and back into it three weeks later:
Plenty of car rides ... Jakey likes it better when he gets to "drive":
The first vacation stop -- Catalina Island:
Visiting Daddy's old stomping grounds at the Air Force Academy in Colorado:
Having a grand ol' time at Nicole and Jordan's wedding in Utah:
Playing tourist back home in LA:
All of that travel sure wears a baby out. Matt and I have loved spying on our little sleeper over the past few months. Hooray for video monitors!
Jakey loves beaches, baths, pools and all things boy.
And lastly, the biggest highlights in his little culinary life -- Tucano's and ice cream cones. He is our son, for sure.


  1. Insert the world "old" between month and of.. thanks!

  2. So adorable! Thank you for sharing. Makes me excited about kids one day in the future! :)


  3. He is such a happy baby and I too love that wide open mouth smile. So dang cute!!


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