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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Best Week

If I could choose one week of my life to experience again, it would be this one. The 7 days that started with Matt's commissioning and graduation from the Air Force Academy and ended with our long-awaited wedding were so deliriously happy and exciting and proud and wonderful. And, happily, we're getting another taste of it right now!
We're in the middle of a packed itinerary that includes 2 weeks, 2 states, 2 weddings, 3 graduations, and house hunting to top it off. And just for good measure, Jake and I squeezed in the stomach flu this weekend because, you know, it sounded like good convenient fun at a time like this. (Oh, the irony.) We're finally feeling better and finally in Colorado (two days late).

Matt and I are so incredibly excited to relive the best week of our lives as we watch Nicole and Jordan do the same thing three years later. Congratulations, you two! We are so proud.

For those of you who missed it, check out Matt's USAFA graduation here. There is honestly nothing quite like it and I've never been so proud of my husband. That moment when he was finally mine was easily the best moment of my life, now superseded only by marrying Matt and meeting our Jake. Here's to the happiest of memories!
I look forward to catching up with all of you on the other side :)


  1. If you weren't so busy, I'd say we should meet up for froyo while you're in town! :)

  2. I'm so excited for Jordan and Nicole! What a very fun week they have going on! And who better to have by their side than you and Matt! Have so much fun out there and give them lots of hugs from me!

  3. Wow! Sounds like you might need a vacation from this vacation :-) Enjoy!


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