It seems so simple, but one of the things that I really miss with having a long distance relationship is being able to go on group dates with friends. We always make sure we get our fix whenever Matt comes into town. It's fun getting to be just a normal couple and do normal couple things, if even just for a little while.
We started off with a double with my super-long acronymn Liz and her husband, Ryan. We went bowling at the Fat Catz in Salt Lake...

...which happens to be where Matt & I went after watching the Fiesta Bowl on our first date.

Maybe that's why it was so lucky for him--he bowled a turkey! As you can see from my pitiful score below, never in my wildest dreams will I get three strikes in a row :-)

After bowling, we ended up at an Iceberg--always so good.

A few days later, we got to go on our long-awaited cousin date! My dad is the oldest of 9 kids and there are almost 40 grandkids on his side alone. We were all born into these little cousin groups who we're really close with. Mine consists of the oldest 4 grandkids--myself, my big sister April, Kyle & Angie. We're all grown up and married (or soon-to-be married in my case) now, which means our little group has doubled. We love our cousin's spouses so it makes it even more fun! ANYWAY, for our cousin date, we went up to my uncle Brian's cabin for dinner and games.

From left to right... Kyle & Michelle, Matt & Ash, Angie & Klane

Good times.

Next up was my high school friend Brooke's wedding! She and her husband Nick have been together for almost as long as Matt & I will be by the time we get married. Crazy!

Her reception was at the 23rd floor, which just happens to be where we had prom our senior year. Great place for a little reunion with some of my best HS friends! They hadn't met Matt yet so I was more than happy to show him off :-)

And, of course, we went out with Alicia & Sterling! Sterling is a golfer and Matt is currently obsessed with golfing, so the four of us spent an afternoon at Thanksgiving Point.
It was my first time golfing and boy, do I need some work! I shot a 61 on 9 holes and called it a day haha. If only it didn't take me 5 strokes to get where everyone else's drive goes...
Oh well. We followed up our round of golf with a dinner date that night at Pizza Factory.

Can't wait till we get to do that again in... oh right, November. In the meantime, looks like it will be single dates for us in Colorado!