Sterling & Alicia came to play last night and we had so much fun! First, we ate a delicious dinner at Pizza Factory...
And then watched American Idol... And voted for the first time EVER (for all of us). We all text voted but Nicole has Tmobile, so she was stuck having to call a million times to vote.The Clarks brought over V's chocolates (yum!) and Lil' Buddy... Who is fun to play with but left a "tootsie roll" in the kitchen. Good thing my dad was prepared! Oh, and around midnight the boys decided that we had to play Mario Kart on the Wii. Those boys take their fake driving pretty seriously! (That's why Alicia isn't by Ster in the picture--they couldn't push pause for two seconds to let her walk in front of the tv haha). Then the girls gave it a try and were just as good (right, boys?). It was all of our first time's playing so it took us until 2 a.m. for both couples to get into the top 3 of the cup but we were pretty proud of ourselves anyway! Fun night! And now we get to rest up for our big weekend--Ring Dance at USAFA!!! It's when the new seniors get their class rings and it's a pretty big, fancy deal (think White House ball, not college dance). Matt asked me to go with him an entire year ago, so this has been a long time coming and we are SO excited! We'll most definitely have plenty of pictures soon.
Cute pics sis! Looks like you had a great night. I hope the blonds won out overall. Go blonds! :) Love you!