"Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
but it sure makes the rest of you lonely."
-Charlie Brown
Due to Falcon Football road trips, Matt and I haven't seen each other for nearly 3 weeks--the longest we've gone since he was in Germany for 3 weeks last summer. To be perfectly honest, Charlie nailed it. Long distance relationships are H.A.R.D. Good thing I'm flying out tomorrow! (Bad thing I'm deathly ill at the moment. But whatever.)
On the bright side, I got to take the babies out trick-or-treating last weekend for what might be the last time, and we had a blast! Kaleb was a ninja, Joshie was a ghost (he alternated between that, a pirate, and a "wock" star), and we were just lucky to get Gabe into a skeleton shirt (he woke up that morning very anti-costume).

My mom came up with the awesome idea to have Matthew and his friends be the Blue Man Group. They pulled it off pretty well! Check out those wide-eyed, blue-skinned, expression-less boys.

Christian and I went the athletic route. Sure comes in handy when you have your fiance's jersey lying around! As for Troy Bolton, girls, he's still underage.

Meanwhile, Matt was in West Point, NY, for the Air Force vs. Army football game. (Falcons won!) 
Can you believe how BEAUTIFUL their campus is?!

Though, I must admit, I'm pretty partial to this one:

...and can't wait to be there with Matt tomorrow!
PS-For the record books: I believe in voting for qualified leaders who share your core values (i.e. sancitity of the family, human life, smaller government, etc.) and therefore voted for McCain-Palin. Still, I am proud to be an American, grateful we even have the right to vote, and will continue to support our country's leaders.