Monday, April 28, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Since we can't get married yet...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Must Be Spring--Golf and a BBQ!
Meanwhile, I just kept laughing/trying not to laugh so our driving range neighbors wouldn't hate me.
Needless to say, we have a LONG way to go before I'm ready to actually try the real deal... but we still had a blast! And Matt is still laughing at my golf swing.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Go Falcons!
Matt's parents also came out but somehow all of our pictures with them ended up on their camera, so this is just Matt & I after the game... which was rather cold, despite the sunny skies.
Not a lot of football studs would roll up their sleeves and help out with the dishes like Matt did at the Nichols' house the next day.
After we finished the dishes we got to hang out just a little longer before having to leave for the airport... just another great weekend in Colorado!Photo credit goes to CHASE for this one! (See Chase?)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Guess who came to Joshie's birthday party?
All of the little neighborhood kids & cousins came over in their blue to celebrate--super cute! Little Alice even had a little BYU cheerleader costume. It was so fun! We took pictures of all the kids with Cosmo in front of "Y Mountain." (And yes, we most definitely played "pin the Y on the mountain.")
He even brought the Cosmobile!
One final hug... I wish I had a picture of just Gabey Baby and Cosmo (without all the kids)--he LOVES "Mahmo" and has been carrying around pictures of Cosmo ever since the party.
Oh, and in case you were worried about my domesticity (you know, the whole "100%" thing), check out these footballs! Oreo cheesecake truffles, thank you very much.
SOME of that domesticity HAS to transfer over to cleaning... right?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
And in other news...

The game (along with One Shining Moment, of course) reminded everyone why we LOVE March Madness so much! It also reminded me of one of the reasons I love my family so much—we love sports! And we love them TOGETHER :-). All of us (boys, girls, parents, babies) sat there on the edge of our seats, screaming at the television, analyzing the game and saying everything the commentators said before they said it (in my dream world, my dad replaces Dick Vitale). LOVE IT.
General Conference

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Spring Break, Part 2
*Matt's family party, where we taught Matt's cute nieces a little swing dancing and then played the Newlyweds game with the adults. All those late-night phone calls paid off--we got almost all of the answers right and eventually won with the final question: "How much of the housework would your husband say he does (or will do)?"
Our winning answer: 100%! I'm obviously a LITTLE more excited about this than Matt is...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Good ol' Southern Utah
When people love each other, they get a blog.
Matt, I love you! Here's your blog.